<Hello, World!> 👋 My name is

Yanny Nguyen

Welcome to My Developer Portfolio

Aspiring blockchain and software developer, showcasing my latest projects in the exciting world of Web3 and more.

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About Me

After ten years of active duty in the Air Force, I'm a recently separated veteran with a bachelor's degree in Information Technology from the University of Arizona Global Campus. I have a strong passion for coding, blockchain technology, and exploring the endless possibilities of the digital world. I thrive on continuously learning new things and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in the tech industry. Currently, I am actively seeking new opportunities as I make a transition from the military into the civilian sector where I can apply my skills, contribute to meaningful projects, and further grow as a professional in the field. Let's connect and explore how we can make a positive impact together!

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Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me through the following channels: